Multi-Omics Profiling of Candida albicans Grown on Solid Versus Liquid Media /

وكيل مرتبط
Semreen, Mohammad Harb,, مشرف الرسالة العلمية
Soares, Nelson Alexandre da Cruz., مشرف الرسالة العلمية
تاريخ النشر
نوع الرسالة الجامعية
المبيضات البيض هي الفطريات المسببة للأمراض الشائعة التي تمثل تحديا لمرافق الرعاية الصحية .يرتبط داء المبيضات بشكل متزايد بارتفاع معدلات المراضة والوفيات ، مما يشكل عبئا كبيرا على أنظمة الرعاية الصحية العالمية. تشتهر المبيضات البيض بقدرتها الرائعة على الخضوع لتحولات عكسية بسبب مرونتها المورفولوجية الرائعة. وهذا يمكنها من التبديل بين حال;Candida albicans is a common pathogenic fungus that presents a challenge to healthcare facilities. Candidiasis is increasingly linked to high morbidity and mortality rates, posing a significant burden on global healthcare systems. C. albicans is renowned for its impressive ability to undergo reversible transitions due to its remarkable morphological plasticity. This enables it to alternate between a yeast cell state, facilitating dispersion through the bloodstream to inhabit internal organs, and a filamentous form, which is adept at penetrating host mucosa. It is essential to comprehend the pathogen's tactics for adapting to its environment and, ultimately, ensuring its survival. As a complementary study, herein, we employed the mass spectrometry technological platform 'UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS' to examine the changes in the proteome and metabolome profiles of Wild Type (WT) C. albicans (strain DK318) grown on agar plates versus liquid media. Multi omics raw data were processed using MaxQuant and Perseus software for proteomic analysis, MetaboScape and Metaboanalyst for metabolomics. Proteomic analysis revealed a total of 1,793 proteins, and 15,013 peptides. Out of the 1403 identified proteins, 313 proteins were significantly differentially abundant with a p-value < 0.05. Of these, 156 and 157 proteins were significantly increased in liquid and solid media, respectively. Proteomics analysis of liquid media revealed an elevated virulence factors associated with host interaction and bloodstream infection. While pathogenic cell wall proteins and proteins related to cell surface were increased in cells grown on solid media. Metabolomics analysis identified 192 metabolites in total. The majority (42/48) of the significantly altered metabolites (p-value < 0.05 FDR, FC 1.5), mainly amino acids, were significantly higher in solid media, while only two metabolites were significantly higher in liquid media. The combined multi-omics analysis provides insight into adaptative morphological changes supporting C. albicans
A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Master's in Pharmaceutical Sciences- Medicinal Chemistry University of Sharjah Sharjah, UAE Fall Semester 2023/2024
تصنيف مكتبة الكونجرس
QW180.5.D38 H212m 2024
المعرف المحلي